Why Immigrants Risk Their Lives Coming to the U.S.

Gaby Saucedo
3 min readApr 17, 2021


In this essay I'm going to talking about an article written in The New York Times. This article is called “ why immigrants risk their lives coming to the US”, this opinion letter talks about the importance on why people use e-verify when hiring new employees. Claiming that immigrants are coming and taking jobs of the American people so the solution to this problem is making it a requirement for all businesses to when hiring new employees.

These are immigrants working in the heat while picking our daily produce.

This topic regarding immigrants coming to the U.S to stay and work, has been around for a while now and it stirs up argumentative debate. Many people have mixed feelings toward this topic and so you can say it depends on what side you are looking at it from. “Their complicity is cruel to the migrants by leaving them without the protection of our labor laws. Our work visa programs should be the only way that noncitizen, foreign-born labor can exist in our country”( New York Times). Their job description and how hard they give their all for their job, these immigrants risk their lives and they deserve more than just minor things.

Some people know immigrants as labor workers in construction or any labor job but they mostly know them as farm workers working in the field. These immigrants wake up before sunrise, get to their location where the job field and start their day. They break their backs everyday trying to get our daily produce in a 100 percent degree weather just to do a job most people in our country could not do or would not last doing a job like this. Lets be real., most people prefer to work in a workplace with doing consist labor like how these immigrants do everyday. These immigrants struggle picking up our produce such as watermelon, oranges, strawberries, cucumbers, etc. Just like any individual, immigrants can get hurt with a job like this and since they do not have as much benefits as we do, they cannot afford to miss work. “For example, before the 2009 recession, many people from Mexico came in search of work in the agricultural industry because the promise of economic prosperity was greater. And despite the myth that immigrants take jobs away from “born-and-bred” Americans, scholars typically agree that immigration has a positive impact on the labor market”(Whelan. 2020).

Immigrants risk their lives to provide for their families back home even if they are miles away from them. They come here for a better life even though the deal with all the risks of law enforcement and racisms but at the end of the day, their main focus is to work and provide a roof and food under the table for themselves or families. They will risk their lives to come to the U.S , as long as there is work in our country. Immigrants will never stop working until they feel have a great deed providing for their families even if coming to the U.S illegally, for them it is the only and right thing to do. To satisfice everything for a better future is why immigrants risk it all to come to the U.S.

Works Cited

Smith, Aaron. “Farm Workers: Take Our Jobs, Please!” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, 10 July 2010, money.cnn.com/2010/07/07/news/economy/farm_worker_jobs/index.htm.

Times, New York. “Why Immigrants Risk Their Lives Coming to the U.S.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 7 Apr. 2021, www.nytimes.com/2021/04/07/opinion/letters/immigrants-southern-border.html.

Whelan, Nathaniel. “8 Reasons Why People Immigrate To The United States.” WorldAtlas, WorldAtlas, 16 June 2020, www.worldatlas.com/articles/8-reasons-why-people-immigrate-to-the-united-states.html.

